Favourites 286 stories
  • Favourites 286 stories - 1007 unread chapters Better Than The Best
    Created by re- Yamsmos
    - October, 2014
Found 237 stories in 72ms

Total Words: 8,655,367
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Your dad is out of town.

You've got the whole house to yourself.

You invite Berry Punch over.

You'll find heaven in her hooves tonight.

Pre-read by r5h, Pearple Prose, and re-Yamsmos.

Edited cover by ThePoneDrome. Un-edited art originally by ayahana. If you like my work, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is not afraid of monsters.

But maybe she should.

Live reading by Solar Pony

Experimental fic, a mixture between words and pictures. Not your usual narrative.

Chapters (1)

Luna has hidden a deep, dark secret from the ponies she watches over so lovingly. Were they to discover it, she can only imagine what it would do to the image they now hold of her. Twilight thinks it's just precious and plans to uncover it once and for all.

In the name of dapples.

Written because I was brainwormed by the wonderful art of my friends, Amarynceus and SilFoe. In turn, they were then brainwormed to make a couple contributions of their own.

Cover art by Amarynceus, because why not use something I brainwormed by the person who brainwormed me?

Chapters (1)

The first of what I hope will be weekly entries to the Word of the Week Quickfic Challenge group! This week's Word is castellated.

Princesses talk, and some have grown worried about Luna's seclusion. They make an effort to rectify this. Luna, of course, is displeased.

Chapters (1)

It's an ordinary day in Ponyville, until Applejack says Twilight is purple. She should have known better.

Prereader: CoffeeBean

Para español: Aquí

Chapters (1)

After a crash leaves Rainbow Dash with the mental state of a child, her friends look after her. At the moment, It's Fluttershy's turn, but she's handling the situation well. Even though, and of course she would never admit it, the strain is starting to get to her. But just a little. Rainbow Dash is her friend, and Fluttershy would sooner die than let her suffer. She can take it.

She can take it.

Just a heads up, this is a might bit darker than my usual stuff.

A commission for Hoovier

Chapters (1)

Canterlot is silent and Celestia stands alone, weapon ready as she stalks her greatest foe yet in the dawn hours. Will she fight a monster or risk becoming one?

Cover art by SilFoe. Also has a reading from Illya Leonov that you can listen to here. Recommended by PresentPerfect.

Chapters (1)

After saving the day in Cloudsdale, Twilight is forced to marry Scootaloo. Both of them hate this.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch likes football. Octavia really likes football. Vinyl Scratch is terribly confused.

This is all Zaponator's fault.

Chapters (1)